There are many chess games out there but Chess Titans is a good choice if you’re simply looking for a free and simple chess game. Nothing happens too when the standard hotkey for going full screen, which is F11, is pressed. There is no option at all to make it full screen. The other downside that you may not like is that Chess Titans runs only in a windowed mode. Too bad it can only be done in an offline setting where you and your opponent has to take turn in moving the pieces. If you think that playing a match against a human opponent is more fun than a machine, Chess Titans has a separate mode where you can play with your friend or anyone else who is willing to be your opponent. And if you enable this option, you may also want to enable the other one that tells Chess Titans to always continue the saved match every time you launch the game. The auto save, when enabled, will always save the match on exit without asking for confirmation. In a situation where you have to quit in the middle of a match, Chess Titans will ask you what it should do with the match in progress: save it or don’t save it. Just go to the settings page to change it. You can play as black too if you desire so. You play white by default when you’re up against the computer, and that means you get the chance to make your attack move first. If you choose the former option, the difficulty level setting will be applied to the next match. However, if you change it during a match, you will be asked whether to continue the current match or end it and start a new one with the new level setting.

The levels can be changed anytime in the settings window by dragging the slider to left or right. There are three levels from beginner, intermediate, to advanced. Chess Titans lets you choose a difficulty level when playing against the computer.